01603 62 66 68 workshop@strgb.co.uk

STR Trade Club Norwich, Norfolk

STR Service Centre offers all online customers the opportunity to sign up to our Trade Club.

In return for your email address and mobile number, we will enter you into our Trade Club which gives you discount on both labour and parts. The Trade Club can be used each time you visit us, for as long as we hold your valid email address and mobile number on our system. As part of the Trade Club, we also provide our customers with a reminder service to take the hassle out of remembering your MOT and Service dates when they are next due.

We will not pass your details onto anyone else or use it for any other purpose than to verify that you are on our discount scheme, send you an MOT and Service reminder and to send you an occasional update of our great seasonal offers and discounts.

Name, email and mobile number are mandatory. If you would like an MOT and Service reminder, simply write the date your next MOT and Service is due in the fields below.

Trade Club Application

14 + 14 =

Please note that by sending your details to us you are ‘opting in’ to receiving occasional emails and an MOT and Service reminder

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